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About the Author

Cat Z. Bellinger is a fantasy author from the rolling hills of the piedmont of South Carolina. After growing up thinking she needed to be a teacher - she did not - Cat migrated to the whimsical world libraries. She is now happily a Circulation Manager in a public library by way of being a Youth Services Coordinator for almost eight years. 


When not writing, Cat watches Critical Role and plays D&D with The Flying Circus, hikes at SC State Parks and the Clemson Experimental Forest, and visits her nieces when PTO allows.

Continuing to live in SC, Cat lives with three feline fur babies - Loki, Eowyn, and Kaylee - who are lucky they are cute and cuddly as they do nothing to contribute to paying the bills.

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Fur Baby Freeloaders

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I buy your books?

You can't. Yet. But I am working diligently to find an agent to represent me to publishers. Lucky you to be able to watch the process unfold - and the madness take me.

2. What is your writing process?

I used to be more of a pantser but I have evolved into an over planner. Every project gets it's own notebook - a really analogue one - and is filled with notes either about characters, setting, or random research my ADD brain decided was important. Eventually, I create a Beat Sheet ala "Save the Cat" and start writing.

3.  Hogwarts House?

Hufflepuff always and forever.

4. What does the Z stand for?

Zebra. But you have to say it like the Brits do.

5. What's you favorite lemur?

Why thank you for asking! Ring-tails are my forever favorite but Aye-Ayes are just so cute.

6. Where do you get your inspiration?

Oh boy. I could write a whole essay on inspiration and where ideas come from. Melissa Myers did a great talk about this several years ago at ReadUp Greenville. A lot of my idea start as "What if" questions. And then I run with it.

7. But really... what does the Z stand for?

Ok, ok. It's ZUNGOLI. Seriously. It's a city in Italy. With a castle. Look it up. It's gorgeous.

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